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You have some questions? Find the answer of the most commun ones directly here.
Can we find the same product on store ?
All the product on our website are also disponible on store.
How can I find news collaboration brand?
You can find this information on our main page and on our blogs.
When my order will be delivered?
We need around one week to deliver your order at your home.
Are they good quality products?
We do the maximum to keep a real good quality for our products.
Did all the product are at $12?
Of course, this is the main point of our brand, propose quality products for only $12.
When the collaboration with Disney will end?
We have a good collaboration with Disney, sadly we will stop working with them, until the next collaboration for new products.
Can I return an item?
Yes, during 2 weeks after the delvery and if you didn't open the box.
What kind of payment can I used?
You can use credit card or Paypal to pay on our website.
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